On January 28th, 2020 at Fakir Ki Jhopadi, a temple with the mission of serving others, in Vadodora, India —The Everyday Gita helped nourish another 500 less fortunate souls. The biggest event yet, at the biggest initial inspiration for our cause! Read the story here.
A team of selfless volunteers joined hands to serve a full meal to hundreds of hungry mouths - families and individuals including men, women, children, and the elderly. A hearty, home-cooked Indian meal was served consisting of the following food items:
Mixed-vegetable dal (lentil soup)
Puri (bread)
Gulab jamun (dessert)
Fakir Ki Jhopadi provides warm meals twice a day - every single day - to those in need. Rain or shine, weekend or weekday, holiday or not - they cook, serve, and clean for breakfast and dinner. Unjudgmentally and unconditionally, they give food to anyone who lines up. Some takers are poverty-stricken homeless - without shoes, or even clothes - while others are working-class - with houses, jobs, vehicles - and are simply suffering the daily pains of life, like the rest of us.
The temple makes and gives the basic foods for every meal: rice, a soup, and a fruit. But, they rely on extra funding from causes like The Everyday Gita to provide a richer, more enjoyable meal for those less fortunate. With your contribution we were able to do this - to share savory snacks, sweet desserts, and smiles thereafter!
We aren’t just providing others with meals - we are providing others with the opportunity to sustain their mind, body, and soul - in turn coming closer to the spiritual world. And simultaneously, we are - too - coming closer to the spiritual world, by detaching from the material. The cherry-on-top? Together, we are building a community of empathy between our souls: a truly powerful force to connect and uplift us through our lives.
Thank you and God bless you for wanting to make a difference in your own life and the lives of others.
Jai Shree Krishna.